What is Plasma Fibroblast?

What is

Plasma Fibroblast

Both Plasma Fibroblast (Hot Plasma) & Cold Plasma (Jet Plasma) are the very last stop on the line (in skin care treatments), right before surgery.

These are the best skin care modalities you can do for your skin as they work by utilising your skin's natural resources.

Why are we rebranding Plasma Fibroblast to Hot Plasma & Jet Plasma (Cold Atmospheric Plasma) to Cold Plasma? Because we feel it's the simplest way to describe how both of these treatments work relative to one another. To quote the great Albert Einstein: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough".

We are also at the mercy of the search terms used to find us via search engine - hence you may see we interchange terms between Plasma Fibroblast / Hot Plasma & Jet Plasma / Cold Plasma. They're the same thing, just one is 100% more descriptive.

We are the leading experts in Sydney, Australia - that combine both Hot & Cold plasma to give you the best results your own body can produce.

By combining both Hot & Cold Plasma, we are ensuring the highest standards of skin care safety in the world. At the time of writing, we are the only skin care establishment in Sydney to offer both the duality of Hot & Cold Plasma skin treatment services.

Designed to keep you safe and looking younger - the most common thing we hear from our beautiful clients; are the compliments they receive from family, friends, coworkers & even strangers

Plasma fibroblast is a non-invasive, non-surgical skin tightening treatment for your skin. The instrument used is called a Plasma Pen. The Plasma Pen doesn't ever touch the skin - it produces a plasma arc when held at a distance of 1 mm from the skin, which ablates the skin and causes a micro-wound. We refer to these micro-wounds as plasma dots.

The plasma arc heats the upper layer of the skin, producing the plasma dot, resulting in the skin tightening - at the same time it applies the heat to the lower layers of the skin where the fibroblast cells live. The fibroblasts then go into over production of collagen and elastin for the next 12 weeks - resulting in skin tightening, less visible wrinkles, resurfaced/smoother skin & best of all more volume.

No surgery, no excessive downtime and best of all, it enhances your natural beauty using your own body's resources - giving you a natural and refreshed look; it can't be overdone!

How does

Plasma Fibroblast Work

Step One

The plasma arc heats the upper dermal layer of the skin, causing it to contract to a micro wound while at the same time transmits heat to the lower levels of the skin.

Step Two

This makes the skin tighten and activate the underlying fibroblast cells which generate collagen & elastin fibres that can fade as we age.

Step Three

The fibroblasts go into over production of collagen and elastin, for the next 12 weeks. The result is tighter skin, improved skin texture, less visible wrinkles, smoother skin & more volume.

How we perform

Plasma Fibroblast Treatment

Numbing Cream

First we apply a liberal amount of numbing cream to the area to be treated. This keeps you as comfortable as possible during the plasma fibroblast treatment.


Next we map the area to be treated with plasma fibroblast, using a white marker. We confirm you are happy with the area and make any revisions if necessary.

Plasma Fibroblast

Now with you numbed and mapped, we get started on your custom & unique to you; plasma fibroblast treatment. Relax while we work on you. Once we've finishing your fibroblast treatment we apply a serum to help your results & a soothing gel.

Why Plasma Fibroblast?

We feel that everyone should be able to conquer their insecurities (or at least learn to accept them). We all grow old, develop wrinkles and age as time goes on - for some of us, it can be really hard watching our faces change in the mirror - even though we may feel young on the inside!

"I look so tired all of the time no matter how much relaxation and sleep I get..."
"If only I didn't have that wrinkle..."
"I don't like what I'm seeing in the mirror..."
"I wish I didn't have this scar"
"My pores are huge... Ugh!..."
"These skin care products aren't doing anything"
"I'm tired of paying for skin care products when I can't see them making difference"

The list of things we tell ourselves and sometimes others can go on and on...

This is where Plasma Fibroblast can make the difference - the treatment can return your face to a younger looking version of yourself, giving you a refreshed & rejuvenated look, while minimising those pesky pores.

How does Plasma Fibroblast work?

After the age of 25, our skin loses approximately 1% of collagen per year or more. Combine this with gravity, environmental factors such as sun / pollution exposure, the way we sleep, what we eat, how much we keep ourselves hydrated and this is a simple, yet not so simple reason why we end up with volume loss and the majority of our wrinkles.

Have you ever put a flame to a piece of plastic? Do you recall watching the plastic shrink?

Do you remember trying to watch a DVD or trying to listen to some music from a CD only to find that the disc was scratched and it wouldn't play a certain part or any of it at all?

Well the solution to the scratches were to put the disc into a polisher gadget and it would grind off the scratches and resurface the disc back to new so you could enjoy your entertainment unimpeded.

The analogies above are a simple yet very similar explanation of how plasma fibroblast works.

  • When the plasma device discharges its plasma arc at a distance of 1 mm from the skin - it sublimates and shrinks the skin (much like the flame to the plastic mentioned above).

  • After the plasma pen discharges its plasma arc - it causes a micro wound in the very top layer of skin which in time; resurfaces the skin (like the polisher gadget to the disc mentioned above).

  • Now that the heat from the plasma arc has penetrated deeper into the skin, it has activated the underlying fibroblast cells - which are responsible for both collagen and elastin production. For the next 12 weeks following your plasma fibroblast treatment, your fibroblasts will go into over production of your collagen and elastin cells - increasing the new collagen/elastin cells by as little as 100% to an upper approximation of 2000%, depending on your lifestyle factors.


What you get from your Plasma Fibroblast treatment:

  • Skin tightening

  • Skin resurfacing

  • Plumper looking skin - volume

  • Wrinkles reduced, minimised or eliminated

  • Dark circles reduced

  • Pores minimised

  • Scars reduced, minimised or eliminated

  • A refreshed, rejuvenated and younger look


What Our Clients Say

Read what our beautiful clients had to say in their five star reviews about our world class plasma fibroblast treatments.